
Susan S. writes:
I have an autistic son who has always had trouble holding a hard handled toothbrush. I could never get him to brush his teeth. The ToothMaster changed that. Something about the soft handle gives him comfort and I no longer have to force him to brush!

Manny G writes:
I use the ToothMaster to brush my Dad’s teeth in the Nursing home. It is much easier for me to get into his mouth and do a good scrubbing.

Tony C with Parkinson’s....see the video below

Kathy P writes:
I have severe arthritis and have trouble holding a toothbrush. The ToothMaster allows me to easily hold the round soft handle and I find I am brushing more often now!

Peter D writes:
I bought the ToothMaster for my Mom who had a stroke a few years back. After showing her how to use it, I found it easy to hold. I bought one for my wife and I. We use it exclusively now and at the end of the day we put them in the dishwasher. We plan on giving these to our friends as stocking stuffers for Christmas.

Denise W writes:

Dr T’s toothbrush handle has really helped my bleeding gum problems. The special soft toothbrush that comes with it does not hurt my sensitive gums. I really do see a big improvement.



ToothMaster ™
PO Box 437 Deer Park, New York 11729